Yes, today is December 1st,
and I’m writing a post about thankfulness.
Inspired by friends, I decided to make a conscious effort to share one thing
I was grateful for each of the thirty days of November.
Even though I had to play catch-up here and there along the way,
it was truly a blessing to pause and reflect
on what the Lord has done (and is doing) in my life.
I’m humbled and grateful.
And it made me realize how much I take for granted.
As I get caught up in the every-day-ness of life,
and forget that I serve an amazing, compassionate, and generous God.
So, here are my 30 things …
Days 1-4: here are 4 kiddos I’m incredibly grateful were born.
5: Thankful for this man. That he loves God with all his heart … and that I get to share life with him.
6: thankful to live & vote in freedom.
7: more thankful to serve Jesus Christ, the One who is the same yesterday, today, and forever.
8: thankful for God’s unchanging Word. Solid anchor in all our storms.
9: thankful for sweet friends, near & far.
10: thankful for changing seasons … and an unchanging God.
11: grateful for all those who have faithfully served to preserve our freedom.
12: thankful for a vacation day to spend time with these cuties
13: Thankful for the privilege of being able to teach our children.
and for the gift of reading … one of my favorite things 🙂
14: Thankful for God’s amazing grace.
15: So blessed & thankful to be part of a counseling ministry that gives people real hope.
16: thankful I get to make stuff
17: thankful to spend time today with my 11 year old girl (! – how did that happen, by the way?) She’s beyond excited to have opened her own Etsy shop with jewelry she made (and photographed) herself. If you get a chance to “favorite” her shop, she’ll be even more excited 🙂
18: thankful for scenes like this that take my breath away
and remind me that there is an amazing Artist at work every day.
19: thankful for unexpected rest and encouragement.
20: thankful for God’s provision and protection every single minute!
21: thankful for truth. solid and unchanging.
23: amazing grace
24: how sweet the sound
25: that saved a wretch like me
26: I once was lost
27: but now am found
28: was blind, but now I see.
29: thankful that His mercies are new every morning.
30: so thankful that this isn’t all there is.
grateful for this life, but even more grateful for the life to come.
Listen, I tell you a mystery:
We will not all sleep, but we will all be changed—in a flash, in the twinkling of an eye,
at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, the dead will be raised imperishable, and we will be changed. For the perishable must clothe itself with the imperishable, and the mortal with immortality. When the perishable has been clothed with the imperishable, and the mortal with immortality,
then the saying that is written will come true:
“Death has been swallowed up in victory.”
(1 Corinthians 15:51-54)
Sunday Word.
Election Day
Four years ago, a friend living in Serbia
offered one of the most encouraging and godly responses
I have yet heard regarding our presidential election here in the U.S.
And I’ve been thinking about it a lot the past several days.
Hoping it encourages your heart today too.
… And don’t forget to vote 🙂
“While you should do everything that is in your power to influence the choice by your vote (according to your conscience), do not be afraid of the outcome!
What I am getting at is, that no matter what the political situation of your or my country – GOD IS IN CONTROL. And our job is to serve God in all circumstances. It is HIM we serve, not our country!
I have in my short life witnessed many things. I have been there when the shackles of communism fell. I stood at the Berlin wall and rejoiced with everyone else. I was ecstatic when we finally could preach and sing in public, when we could legally publish Christian books, when we could finally enjoy “religious freedom” at home, in church, in school and public. That was the first few years.
Do you know what the situation is now – 20 years after we got all the freedom? The church has become lukewarm. The price of discipleship is not as high as it used to be and people are too busy living their capitalist lifestyle of earning money and do not care for church anymore. When we were operating under the threat of being put in prison, when there was constant persecution of the church, the church flourished, people clung to God, people were on fire for God. The freedom brought just the opposite. “Blessed are the persecuted” – I understand this only now after living through all of the changes and seeing how true this statement is.
My human mother heart wishes that I can raise my children in freedom and teach them what I think is right and that my and their moral lifestyle would be rewarded and honored. But the more I read the Bible, the more I am aware that IF we honor God, we will not be understood and honored in this world.
I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.
God is in charge of the universe. He will use many various ways to draw people to himself – sometimes quite the opposite of what we think. The cost of discipleship is high. The price is His precious blood. He stood by His people through wars, persecution, yes even communism.
Think about this, as I finish: The darker the night, the stronger our light! That’s all I want to tell you. Do not be afraid, cling to God. He will bring you through.”
I am sincerely humbled by your perspective, Natalija.
Thank you for reminding us where true hope is found.